{{!-- There are 2 code paths for generating the PDP pricing HTML determined by the following #and condition. If a 'price_range' exists then we generate all HTML in price-range.html, otherwise it is defined here. Both code paths generate the same HTML structure with some differences in whether that element is displayed by default (css styling). If you are making a change here or in price-range.html, you probably want to make that change in both files. --}} {{#and price.price_range (if theme_settings.price_ranges '==' true)}} {{#or customer (if theme_settings.restrict_to_login '!==' true)}} {{> components/products/price-range price=price schema_org=schema_org}} {{/or}} {{else}} {{#if price.with_tax}} {{#or customer (if theme_settings.restrict_to_login '!==' true)}}
{{lang 'products.msrp'}}
{{price.with_tax.formatted}} {{#if schema_org}}
{{/if}} {{#if price.without_tax}} {{lang 'products.price_with_tax' tax_label=price.tax_label}} {{/if}}
{{/or}} {{/if}} {{#if price.without_tax}} {{#or customer (if theme_settings.restrict_to_login '!==' true)}}
{{lang 'products.msrp'}}
{{price.without_tax.formatted}} {{#if schema_org}}
{{/if}} {{#if price.with_tax}} {{lang 'products.price_without_tax' tax_label=price.tax_label}} {{/if}}
{{/or}} {{/if}} {{!-- {{#if page_type '===' 'product'}}
{{lang 'products.you_save_opening_text'}} {{price.saved.formatted}} {{lang 'products.you_save_closing_bracket'}}
{{/if}} --}} {{/and}}