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customFormFields : allFormFields; const { isResettingAddress } = this.state; const hasAddresses = addresses && addresses.length > 0; const hasValidCustomerAddress = billingAddress && isValidCustomerAddress(billingAddress, addresses, getFields(billingAddress.countryCode)); return ( <Form autoComplete="on"> { shouldRenderStaticAddress && billingAddress && <div className={ 'form-fieldset' }> <StaticBillingAddress address={ billingAddress } /> </div> } <Fieldset id="checkoutBillingAddress" ref={ this.addressFormRef }> { hasAddresses && !shouldRenderStaticAddress && <Fieldset id="billingAddresses"> <LoadingOverlay isLoading={ isResettingAddress }> <AddressSelect addresses={ addresses } onSelectAddress={ this.handleSelectAddress } onUseNewAddress={ this.handleUseNewAddress } selectedAddress={ hasValidCustomerAddress ? billingAddress : undefined } /> </LoadingOverlay> </Fieldset> } { !hasValidCustomerAddress && <LoadingOverlay isLoading={ isResettingAddress }> <AddressForm countries={ countries } countriesWithAutocomplete={ countriesWithAutocomplete } countryCode={ values.countryCode } formFields={ editableFormFields } googleMapsApiKey={ googleMapsApiKey } setFieldValue={ setFieldValue } shouldShowSaveAddress={ !isGuest } /> </LoadingOverlay> } </Fieldset> { shouldShowOrderComments && <OrderComments /> } <div className="form-actions"> <Button disabled={ isUpdating || isResettingAddress } id="checkout-billing-continue" isLoading={ isUpdating || isResettingAddress } type="submit" variant={ ButtonVariant.Primary } > <TranslatedString id="common.continue_action" /> </Button> </div> </Form> ); } private handleSelectAddress: (address: Partial<Address>) => void = async address => { const { updateAddress, onUnhandledError, } = this.props; this.setState({ isResettingAddress: true }); try { await updateAddress(address); } catch (e) { onUnhandledError(e); } finally { this.setState({ isResettingAddress: false }); } }; private handleUseNewAddress: () => void = () => { this.handleSelectAddress({}); }; } export default withLanguage(withFormik<BillingFormProps & WithLanguageProps, BillingFormValues>({ handleSubmit: (values, { props: { onSubmit } }) => { onSubmit(values); }, mapPropsToValues: ({ getFields, customerMessage, billingAddress }) => ( { ...mapAddressToFormValues( getFields(billingAddress && billingAddress.countryCode), billingAddress ), orderComment: customerMessage, }), isInitialValid: ({ billingAddress, getFields, language, }) => ( !!billingAddress && getAddressFormFieldsValidationSchema({ language, formFields: getFields(billingAddress.countryCode), }).isValidSync(billingAddress) ), validationSchema: ({ language, getFields, methodId, }: BillingFormProps & WithLanguageProps) => methodId === 'amazonpay' ? (lazy<Partial<AddressFormValues>>(values => getCustomFormFieldsValidationSchema({ translate: getTranslateAddressError(language), formFields: getFields(values && values.countryCode), }))) : (lazy<Partial<AddressFormValues>>(values => getAddressFormFieldsValidationSchema({ language, formFields: getFields(values && values.countryCode), }))), enableReinitialize: true, })(BillingForm)); |